Online Weekly Group Sessions
Coming Home to Wholeness
Journey to Self-Discovery: Explore the Hidden Parts Shaping Your Life
Required Reading: No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma & Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model by Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Start Date: Friday, February 2, 2024
End Date: Friday, April 19, 2024
Fridays 7:00 – 9:00 PM EST

Navigating the complexities of being human can be confusing.
In a world full of information, it’s funny how the toughest things to figure out are often about ourselves.
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
- Do you find yourself putting a lot of energy into those around you but struggle to carve out time for youself?
- Are there aspects of yourself you’re trying to change to please others, even if it goes against your own values?
- Are there habits you’ve been wrestling with forever, whether it’s kicking the “bad ones” or embracing the “good ones” that just won’t stick?
- Do you notice recurring themes or patterns in your life that make you feel stuck or unfulfilled?
- Do you find it difficult to communicate your needs and boundaries to others?
- When frustrated, do you express your feelings constructively, or do you suppress them to avoid conflict?
- Do you stay in relationships that make you unhappy because you fear being alone?
How do we make sense of this?
We’ve learned to think of ourselves as one unchanging identity. We believe things like “This is who I am” or “This is my personality,” and it feels like we can’t be any different.
We get so attached to this idea that changing seems impossible. It’s like we’ve made a deal with ourselves that we can’t break.
But the truth is, we’re always changing and growing. It’s time to rethink this idea that we’re stuck with just one version of ourselves. In reality, we’re ever-evolving, multifaceted beings.

What if I shared that we’re like a team of different parts working together inside us?
Ever felt like there’s a tug-of-war inside? Well, that might be because these parts within us, each doing their own thing, sometimes clash with each other.
Guess what? We all have these parts— it’s just part of being human.
And here’s the interesting part: ever wondered why we struggle with things like anxiety or feeling down? It’s often because there are certain parts within that are at odds with each other.
But, here’s the good news: there’s a way to team up with these parts and make some magic happen. It’s like unlocking a path to transformation and healing.
What if I told you there’s a way to smooth out these internal conflicts to help you transform and choose a different path?
Ever think about the different parts of yourself?
Ever notice how these parts sometimes chat or argue with each other?
Ever wonder why these different parts even exist?
How about diving a bit deeper into getting to know them and explore how they shape your life?
Imagine unraveling the mystery of who you are why you do what you do.
Ready for a little self-discovery adventure?
About The Book
In “No Bad Parts,” Richard Schwartz offers a comprehensive exploration of Internal Family Systems (IFS), a therapeutic approach grounded on the idea that individuals are made up of intricate networks of diverse “parts.” Similar to a family, our internal system can be supportive and loving, or toxic and destructive. He shares the theoretical foundations and fundamental principles of IFS, illustrating how this approach can help people get to know their parts and create coherence in the system so that they can live a more enriched and meaningful life.
What to Expect
- Imagine this as a cozy book club with friends, but with a twist—professional guidance and a support group.
- Yes, the book is fantastic, but how about having a guide lead you through the exercises instead of navigating them solo?
- Join a group of open-hearted women all walking the healing path with you.
- It’s a safe space to open up about what’s going on inside, no judgment—just acceptance and understanding.
- Discover how to root yourself, find your center, and truly hold space for your own journey.
- Here, you’ll pick up some essential skills, like tuning in, handling tricky emotions, and building a loving relationship with yourself.
- Ever made a map of your inner self? Now’s the time to dive deep and get to know yourself like never before.
Program Details
- The program consists of 12 weekly online group sessions held on the Zoom platform.
- All participants are required to obtain their own copy of the book “No Bad Parts” by Richard Schwartz Ph.D.
- Maintaining a personal journal is recommended for optimal engagement.
- Weekly communications will be sent out, including chapter summaries and insights from Dr. Tran.
- Each session will feature guided group exercises.
- While sharing with the group is optional, it’s highly encouraged, and confidentiality is assured.
- Connect with others in our exclusive Facebook Group.
- Feel free to reach out to Dr. Tran via email for support throughout the program.
Pricing: A single payment of $300 or two installments of $150 each.
**If financial constraints are a concern for you, please feel free to join us.
You can contribute whatever amount is feasible for you.**
Sessions Breakdown
Session 1: Introductions
Exercise: Grounding
Session 2: We’re all Multiple
Exercise: Getting to Know a Protector (p.23)
Session 3: Why Parts Blend
Exercise: Unblending & Embodying (p.32)
Session 4: This Changes Everything
Exercise: Dilemma Meditation (p.51)
Session 5: More on Systems
Exercise: Daily IFS Meditation (p.69)
Session 6: Mapping Our Inner Systems
Exercise: Mapping Your Parts (p.26)
Session 7: Healing and Transformation
Exercise: The Path (p.93)
Session 8: The Self in Action
Exercise: Accessing the Self (p.96)
Session 9: Vision and Purpose
Exercise: Fire Drill (p.134)
Session 10: Life Lessons and Tor-Mentors
Exercise: Working with Triggers (p.156)
Session 11: The Law of Inner Physics
Exercise: Advanced Protector Work (p.163)
Session 12: Embodiment
Exercise: Body Meditation (p.183)
Healing isn’t a quick fix, and not all wounds fade with time alone. Like many aspects of life, it’s a skill that can be developed. You’re not broken, and you’re certainly not alone—even if that feeling can be overwhelming at times.
– Dr. Marilyn Tran
Within all of us is the capacity to heal. While the external aspects of your life may not undergo a drastic transformation, you’ll feel a noticeable shift within. Life becomes smoother, the noise quiets down, and you start feeling more comfortable in your own skin.
The real treasure isn’t found outside of us; it’s about creating a sense of home right where we are, just as we are.
From physical health to mental well-being, from stress and anxiety to low confidence—most of our struggles persist due to unprocessed emotions. As a Naturopathic Doctor, I value good nutrition and healthy habits, but I’ve learned that the missing piece, especially when things don’t improve, is emotional processing. Many of us are unfamiliar with what that means or how to do it.
In my online series, I aim to bridge this gap using the IFS framework. Drawing from my background as a trauma-informed health professional, mindfulness practitioner, women’s circle facilitator, and my work with marginalized communities and individuals, I’ll guide you through the emotional-processing journey.
But there’s more—I’ll share insights from my personal journey as a woman of color, a single mother, and the daughter of survivors of war and intergenerational trauma.
I firmly believe that we all possess the ability to thrive and rediscover a sense of home and wholeness. It simply requires us to turn our gaze inward.
Join Us!
To sign up or if you have any questions, kindly complete the form or reach out via email to .
When you’re ready to join, you’ll be asked to fill out an intake and consent form, and an invoice will be promptly sent your way.
Payment can be made through e-transfer to . For participants outside of Canada, international payments can be accommodated via credit card.

Refund Policy & Disclaimer
You may request a refund until midnight EST on Feb 9, 2024, with a deduction of a $20 administrative fee.
This program is not intended to replace the medical guidance provided by your physicians, mental health professionals, or other healthcare providers you may consult. Its primary aim is to offer information and create a space for you to participate in exercises under the supervision of Dr. Marilyn Tran, ND, a licensed healthcare professional.
Please be aware that certain elements of the program may elicit discomfort or be triggering. The purpose is to help you learn how to navigate through such feelings. If you find it overwhelming or experience a sense of shutdown, kindly communicate this with Dr. Marilyn Tran. She can provide assistance, possibly through private sessions (with flexible fees) or by identifying resources to offer support.